
essays, poems, and musings

Heart space
Willoughby Cooke Willoughby Cooke

Heart space

Notice the intimate relationship the heart organ has as it is nestled between the lungs and the respiratory diaphragm. One can quite beautifully see the arch of the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk bending up and out into the subclavian and pulmonary arteries like the roots of a tree.

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In favor of Holism
Willoughby Cooke Willoughby Cooke

In favor of Holism

Western conventional medicine reduces people to disparate parts and diagnoses, with little regard for the person’s wholeness or humanity.

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Pain Spirit in My House
Willoughby Cooke Willoughby Cooke

Pain Spirit in My House

I feel my body and myself feebly trying to numb my own self to my own existence. When I tried to rise from bed this morning I nearly passed out. It was as if all of my most tender and vulnerable parts were entangled in tree roots of a tree that was partially heaved over and slowly moving in the wind

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Please do not reduce me
Willoughby Cooke Willoughby Cooke

Please do not reduce me

Can you please listen to me when I’m sharing what feels important?

Please do not reduce me to a machine made of flesh

I’m not an object for you to push, poke and prod

I’m a human being just—like—you

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